Nah sekarang naikkan...jari ketiga.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
rahsia jari kita
Nah sekarang naikkan...jari ketiga.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
cuz i duno how to express this xperience in malay
One night, my mom ask me to accompany her to bus station. She's going to buy a bus ticket for my sis as her university, UPM, is going to close about 10days because of the A(H1N1) virus.
I was creep ed out by my sis's story that one of her friends affected by the virus and my sis shared her drinks with her friend that morning! What the hell?!
But i don't blame her, she didn't know yet that time.
But I felt somewhat scared if my sis got infected, n my family, me, myself....n around me...people around the world!!! Arrgh!!
Oh, back to the story..
While I was waiting for my mom to buy the ticket, i walked around the station n pop! I accidentally kicked a box. I stared at the box n ya know what, the box was shaking by itself! It gave me a fright!
And suddenly i heard a small 'meow-ing' sound coming from the box. I wonder if there's any cats in that neatly tided box, so I examined and no doubt, it was kitten..I was affirmatively sure!
I tried to open but i couldn't make it as my mom's voice that calling me, make my busy hand stopped from working on 'saving' the kitten. I returned to car with a heavy heart.
My mom mad at me, she said maybe it was someone's pet n she/he want to carry it in the bus. I just nodded, but deep in my heart, I felt pity for the kitten..
I don't think the cat is someone's belonging, I think someone left it on purpose.
I wonder how's the feeling of the kitten, he's a dark, small box... In hungry, calling for help, but no one could understand.
No one care for a good-for-nothing box that being left in that kind of place
Humans are cruel nowadays...why can't they pour even a tiny kindness just to open the box and free the kitten? Or maybe just left it without put them into box? Is that so hard?
Cats, they are Allah's creatures like humans too...they have feelings..
But humans, the more they live, the more they become inhumane..
So when I got in the car, I just keep on praying for the kitten, I prayed for someone who still got humanity in their heart, save the poor little kitten..
ni first ak mai post kt sni
hukhukz..ckp luar la plok
x kesoh orp ckp base nde2 pun?
owh, ak da tukar theme blog ni
klu korang ad x puah ati mane2, tlg r kbo, ak bley bekki
soh malu r nok wi komen
oy sya'ak, mu add org r bru napok ad member blog ni
ce mu tgk kat kolum sblh kiri, kan ad name '-eN-'
tu r profile ak, so klu mu add geng2 kte, org hok visit blog ni bley r taw sape geng kite
k r, ni je ak nok kbo, chow

Guess what??? Virus 's' sedang melanda!!! Adalah disahkan oleh doktor2 pakar team kAMEy bahawa virus ini amat berbahaya. Lebih BAHAYA daripada virus H1N1, virus kangkung dan virus cipot!!! Jadi anda diingatkan supaya BERHATI-HATI ketika berjalan disepanjang koridor form 5 dan ELAKKAN daripada bertembung dgn pembawa virus 's'....
Be ALERTZZZZ dgn AMARAN di bwh...
Amaran tahap pertama, "Mask On!"
Amaran tahap kedua, tutup telinga!!!
dan seterusnya........
Sunday, July 26, 2009
0la! gud day..
d cini ak nk ucp kn time ksh kt sume rkn2 ak y prnah wjud lm idup ak...
-syaak (kaunsell0r n pnsihat ak)
-dib (pyimpan rhsie2 sulit ak..)
-nad (mpu criekn ak ngn lgk2 gedix..huhu..)
-mir (inspirasi daku,,slluk mrh ak..~haih)
-jix (pnasihat n pnd0r0ng ak)
-ateen (dedikasi,amanah..p,,klu dg mrh,,puy000...)
-appa (slamber slaluk!....)
-dbah (smber inspirasi..study2!!!..)
-paddy (bru rpt,,n bes...)
-chey (epi slaluk!~smile...)
-trex (asik crik bni jerk....)
-mina (semp0i~keibuaan)
-enun (tman knk2 ribena..huhu)
-zack (kdg2 cm ayu,,kdg2 gtu r..ehehe)
-kk (gedix mu ttp trbaek!!~haih)
-kema (rjin siut tu..nk wt akk ipaq leh??-appa,jgn mrh..)
-dena (gns,,p bek ati n c0mel)
-klisah (kretif~slaluk gak ngjuk!aiyak...)
-atin beyla (syap p bise..)
-atin bul (c0mel..klu dg ngekek,,abez ler...)
klau ikut,,rma ag..p,xlarat la ak nk naip..huhu... xlupe tuk,,
-tirmizian (cyg k0rg sume) dan pndgar stie ak~
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Ahli2 Team kAMEy...
-Sya'ak (hehe...that's me)
-NaDWaN (Bdk siam..huhu)
-Ctie (Ratu Ulat aka Presiden GTF)
-Dib (Katang a.k.a pngerusi MIC)
-Mir (~~~ senget..haha)
-Pady (Pesawah berjaye!)
-Atin (Wex)
-Gig (Bdk Poyo aka rival ctie dlm GTF)
-Dbah (lbh krg gk ngan gig)
-Bul (bdk kiut)
-Chey (bdk prasan 1)
-Rex (sedara dinosour)
-Mina (ibu ~~~~)
-Kay2 (bdk prasan 2 + kulit sensitif)
-Dna (bdk brutal)
-Kema (bdk ntah r...)
-Appa (bdk x dop ekspresi muka)
-Zeqdah (bdk 'baek')
-Sedot (bdk poyo)
-Enun (bdk 'garang')
bl0g ni dipublish sbb nk
rptkn lg p'shbtn ant geng2 kt0rg..
geng kt0rg act rma..
p hk plg rapat..xr rama ne pn..
ad ar lm 20 0rg..
arap2 dpt ar epy2kn diri kt blog ni..
wt cm umh sniri la..
act nme 'jewm0ur' ni dcetuskn ble
kt0rg ske ngt mnjemurkn diri bwh
chaye tari tiap ms rehat..
s0,,bl0g ni pn dberi nme JEWM0UR
tp skunk ni xjmur dh,,,bkpe???ntah~
dib l0r~~
duhai nisa'
ad0p npe pn..
sj j nk tgl jejak cni
s0 trbaru,,stat ae ni ad sbagian,
bkn2,,sglintir geng kt0rg hk ley g kem
kem ni xclap ak 4ary
hk stat ae ni kt seri malaysia
pa2 hk esk ad gk,,kt sumai
s0 hk ley brangkat 2..
chay0k!!!stdy leklok~
duhai adam
Ohh Adam...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Our Official blog!!!
erm,,,s0,da publish kt0rg nyer blog y dhajatkn lme dulu g...p skmo xksampaian...
Anyway, harap2 semua ahli team kami dapat meriahkan lagi blog ni. Satu kad keahlian akan turut diberi kepada semua ahli team kami tidak lama lagi (Ade r dalam setahun dua lagi...haha!!). Gambar-gambar akan diupload kemudian kerana masalah teknikal yang dihadapi...*peace*
"EviL StePMoM"